I am officially a published writer, the November issue of BCITSA's Link magazine came out today and I contributed a short 250-word review of a sports bar. The sports bar was mediocre at best to the point where my initial desire was to walk out, I would never actually go and try to enjoy an establishment like that on my own time. I was given the option to choose my own restaurant to review so I walked out. But it hit me on my way out the door, this was actually the perfect place to review. I had enough to complain about in the first minute of being in there that finding material for a review was no challenge at all. Though I could've spent 10 minutes in the drab, cramped and odd-smelling sports bar I decided to order a beer and stick it out for a bit longer. The beer menu was short with limited selection mostly from a single brewery that I've never been impressed with. However, it was cold and sometimes that's all a beer needs to be. I ended up ordering a cheap plate of short ribs and stuck around for the end of the Canucks shootout victory over the St. Louis Blues. The visit was entirely unremarkable on a slow Wednesday night, nothing really happened and the bar was the opposite of impressive. I was given the choice, do I write that scathing review of the restaurant I initially walked out of? Or do I play it nice and highlight the positive aspects? I chose neither and through my dart at the wall somewhere in between. My review starts off about as negative as anything I've ever written but gradually pivots to show the upsides of the small bar. The article takes a complete 180-degree turn at the midway point where I actually suggest that the sports bar has some redeemable qualities. Though I would never go back there, nor seriously recommend it to almost anyone, I can see how some people may enjoy it. Overall I loved the creative freedom I was given. Go review a sports bar, make it 250 words. I took a different approach and threw a curveball at the reader who expected me to tear the place apart. I really enjoyed the assignment and I'd love to write for Link again if they'll have me back. Here's the remainder of this month's issue for your reading pleasure. https://issuu.com/linkbcit/docs/november_2019
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